happyline on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/happyline/art/Buffy-She-s-like-Madonna-59089581happyline

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

December 16, 2007
Buffy: She's like Madonna by ~happyline is simply beautiful. The lace around the sleeve is excellent, the hair flows wonderfully and the shine in the eye is just the perfect touch!
Featured by DCZed
Suggested by jussta
happyline's avatar

Buffy: She's like Madonna



please fullview it to see it with all its details <3


please have a look on joss stone, too :nod:

*yipiiieh* i've finally finished my next vector / vexel [whatever you wanted it to be ;)] after approximately 70 hours in the last fiew weeks.

this is michelle trachtenberg who is perhaps best known as Dawn Summers from Buffy, but a friend of mine said "oh it's madonna" as she saw it the first time ;)

actually i think it's a real vector, 'cause i've made this in "inkscape", but i'm not sure if i should post it in vexel or vector [i think i'll never understand the discription of the categories ;)]; however it consinst of 3784 paths / layers [only the hair is about 2000 paths and they really sucks me at the end]!

if you want: the outlines [link] the walkthrough: [link] and some details: [link]

i would be very, very glad if someone would give a comment :D


!!! please do not use it in any way without my written permission !!!

aus gegebenem anlass: bitte nutzt meine arbeit in keiner Art und Weise weiter ohne mich VORHER gefragt zu haben und meine schriftliche erlaubnis zu haben!!!


oh my god... thank you soooooo much for the daily devation. i was dreaming of this and now i've got it. i'm so suprised!!! time to say thank you all for all the fav's and comments :hug:
Image size
1070x807px 993.22 KB
© 2007 - 2024 happyline
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